You have probably created a new additional volume, or an additional disk.
This guide will explain how to create an additional disk, and then how to attach it to one of your instances.
- An instance
- An additional volume attached
Disk mount
From an instance on Linux
/dev/vda generally corresponds to the disk of your instance, /dev/vdb will thus be the first additional volume. Some operating systems recognize disks using another driver. In this case, they appear as /dev/sd*.
- Create a partition with parted
sudo parted /dev/vdb
mktable gpt
mkpart primary ext4 512 100%
sudo mount /dev/vdb1 /mnt
For a persisting disk mount, you will need to change the /etc/fstab file: - Retrieve the block ID - Add your disk in the /etc/fstab file:
From an instance on Windows
- Access the disk management tool

Please note:
If the message “offline” appears (the disk is offline because of policy set by an administrator), you will need to change the disk attributes by right-clicking your disk, and then selecting “Online” and “Initialize” or by using Diskpart:
- Launch Powershell or the command prompt
- Checking the strategy followed
- Change the strategy
- Applying the strategy on the additional disk
- Initialize the disk from the disk manager and then format the disk.
Once the disk is formated, you can easily access it from your file explorer.